Thursday, December 8, 2011

Did you know your toes Travel?

This little piggy went to Rome.
This little piggy went to Brussles.
This little piggy went to Rio.
And this little piggy went to Madrid!
But, this little piggy went "Oui, Oui, Oui, Oui, Oui!" 
 All the way home to Paris!

"Did you know your toes travel!?", I asked Ezekiel today.  He just looked at me with eyebrows raised and a slight smirk almost as if to say... "Yes Mom, of course I knew that."

One thing I really like about having our own kid is that we get to make up new traditions. Including making up our own words to songs of old. For instance "Little Bunny Foo Foo". Have you ever really listened to the words! It's horrible! Boppin' field mice on the head? How cruel! (Ok, so maybe it's not that bad but I really dislike that song.) So Kevin and I made up our own words to the same melody but ours is about Dinosaurs!! Please enjoy below:

Little baby Stegosaurus, troppin through the forest
Looking for all the green ferns and lickin' em' with his tongue!

Little baby T-Rex, running with his little arms
Finds a tasty morsel and CHOMPS it with his teeth!

Little baby Long Neck, masticating Ginko leaves
Swings his little tail around and bashes the T-Rex down!

Little baby Pteranodon SWOOPIN over the canyon
Gives a big loud, __(insert Pteranodon call)___ and that's the end of the song!

Now, tell me that isn't WAY cooler!? And it's educational! haha.

Well, I hope this has inspired you to make up some new traditions and or songs with your kids! It really makes it special.

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