Friday, December 23, 2011


This morning, I have been thinking about the coming of Yahshuah (Jesus). Of course most of us know that December 25th isn't really the day that Yahshuah came into the world but it is when we celebrate his birth.
I've never been able to relate to this story until this Christmas. Now being a mother and knowing the anticipation of a coming child I can relate to Mary so much. For those of you who have been pregnant think about your 9 months of pregnancy. No big deal right!? haha.
Take into consideration Mary's story: Mary, with the help of Joseph, is trying to lift herself up on the back of a donkey for a 90 mile journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem! 90 miles on the back of a donkey in your last few days before your baby is going to be born! Can you imagine how uncomfortable that would be? At this point in your pregnancy you are hungry every minute, think you are having the baby every minute, and you most certainly do not want to ride on a donkey for 90 miles let alone 1/2 a mile! Mary, you are a trooper.
I think on the conversations between her and Joseph during their journey. I'm sure Joseph was just praying to get somewhere safe fast so Yahshuah could be born out of danger of Herod. Not only was Mary anticipating Yahshuah's birth but she was probably tired and scared. This is when faith and trust in Yahweh Nissi (The Lord our Banner) is needed.
What was Mary thinking? Did she still believe that she was going to give birth to THE coming Messiah that was Prophesied!?  What an amazing example of faithfulness and strength.

I don't know about you but now that I have had my own child, I get SO excited anytime a baby is about to be born. This Christmas I am SO excited for Yahshuah to be born! I wonder what he looked like as a baby? That cute scrunchy face, the long fingers that look bigger than his hands.
Did he have a full head of hair? How long was he, how much did he weigh? Babies are such an amazing gift to receive. I wish I could have been there to visit him and hold him. Think about the love Mary and Joseph have for their coming son. So much love.

Don't you think that if your child was born on your birthday or Christmas that they would be the most important thing to celebrate and not opening presents? You would be holding your child all day, staring into their face and thinking about how crazy it is that they are finally in your arms!

Let us celebrate this coming child! Anticipate his birth with me this Christmas! Hold him in your arms, stare into His eyes, spend TIME with Him! Praise God for this wonderful gift!

"But Mary treasured up all these things in her heart."
Luke 2:19

1 comment:

Leann said...

We were JUST talking about this too :) did he sleep thru the night? Did Mary think he looked like her? So happy we're both celebrating Christmas with babes this year! Love you so much! Love your heart!