Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Crazy Day

So today I am tired. VERY tired. And what a day I have had so far!
I woke up at 5:45am in order to get to work by 6:30am to open the store. I got out of work at 1pm which seemed great except I was so tired. I drove over to Roger and Carla's to have lunch with some family before going home to take a nap.

As I was turning into the apartment parking lot I was not paying attention and lo and behold a HUGE CURB came out of nowhere! Well, I am exaggerating. I just wasn't paying attention and was looking at something else and ran right into the curb with the car. Only a flat tire, thank God. But... weirdly enough it only flattened the back tired. I honestly can't say I know exactly what happened either. I pulled into the parking spot looked at the car and realized the tire was flat....I just started to cry. and cry. and cry some more. I'm so bummed to say the least that I made a silly mistake and wasn't paying attention. grrrr.... but anyways.

I also had an interview today at 4pm with The Regional Girls Shelter of Springfield, MO but come to find out there full-time position is an "over-night" position. This means that I would have to be there almost every night sleeping over away from Kevin. Obviously that isn't going to happen.

So, all that to say. Flat tire. No interview. and very tired.
Lord, have mercy.
I'm taking a nap now. So glad I have a computer to vent to! hahaha 

- kate

1 comment:

Janie Allyson Schneider said...

so funny, but sad too...lo and behold, a curb came out of nowhere!